Шелти — питомник «Из Графского Поместья»
Shetland sheepdog — kennel «Iz Grafskogo Pomestija»



история наших шелти / shetland sheepdog memory

Landysh Serebristyi iz Grafskogo Pomestija

CH Russ, Mold, Bosne i Hercegovine, National Club; Grand, 3xCACIB; 2xRCACIB; 2xBOB; INT CH; CH RKF; 5xCACIB; ТОП-ШЕЛТИ-2006

sex: male
F.: South African, Canadian, Luxembourg, Dutch & Int Champion Faradale Frisbee For Grandgables
M.: CH Rus, BIS & ЛЩ - Национальная выставка 1998 г., Топ-производитель 2005, Топ-производитель 2006, Топ-ветеран 2006 Lynaire Sapphire Blue
owner: Grafshina Galina

gallery галерея



CH Russ, Mold, Bosne i Hercegovine, National Club; Grand, 3xCACIB; 2xRCACIB; 2xBOB; INT CH; CH RKF; 5xCACIB; ТОП-ШЕЛТИ-2006, полнозубый, 37 см. 



The Pedigree of Landysh Serebristyi iz Grafskogo Pomestija

CH Russ, Mold, Bosne i Hercegovine, National Club; Grand, 3xCACIB; 2xRCACIB; 2xBOB; INT CH; CH RKF; 5xCACIB; ТОП-ШЕЛТИ-2006
sex: male     born.: 12-09-2003     colour: blue-merle

South African, Canadian, Luxembourg, Dutch & Int Champion
Faradale Frisbee For Grandgables

Faradale Frisbee For Grandgables
СЕА Clear
Ruscombe Play The Piper

Ruscombe Play The Piper
Ruscombe Pipe Major


Clenmist Future Vision
Ruscombe Majorette
Ruscombe Runabout To Gemette
Glensanda Gallivanter
Ruscombe Midnight Sky
Faradale Fadette
2x CC
Faradale Facination


2-x CC, 3-x Res.CC
Pepperhill Rough And Tumble
GB Ch.
Miss Mandy Of Dunbrae At Faradale
Vonstry Wedding Belle
Reubicia Blue Flame At Ruscombe


Meriehewe Ebony Mist
CH Rus, BIS & ЛЩ - Национальная выставка 1998 г., Топ-производитель 2005, Топ-производитель 2006, Топ-ветеран 2006
Lynaire Sapphire Blue

Lynaire Sapphire Blue
Herds The Hornpiper

Herds The Hornpiper
СЕА Clear
Ruscombe Play The Piper


Ruscombe Pipe Major


Ruscombe Runabout To Gemette
Herds Hayley Bells
Herds Harrier
Lintock Elusive Blue
Lynaire Blue Savannah

Lynaire Blue Savannah
Penrave Private Eye


2-x CC, 6-x Res.CC
Herds It's Hindsight
Penrave Prudence
Herds Heavenly Bells At Lynaire
Rosdyke Kiwi
Herds Hayley Bells
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